lunedì 28 dicembre 2015

224°Puntata - A 2015 Report

We started this new year of blogging with THIS POST. Many things were going to happen and many things actually happened.
We put so many hopes in this year and i must admit that this has been the most important year of my life.
A lot of changes, starting from the new job, and ending with the best and most important and powerful event of my whole life: becoming father of my baby Valeria.
Everytime i look at her i thing about Stewie Wonder's song "You Are the Sunshine of my Life", she's perfect, she's the personification of pure love, she's the concretization of the love that unites Chiara and me. She's my strength, everytime she smiles at me i forget all my tiredness and i find new resources to go on.
She gave the whole family joy and happiness, grandparents, uncles and friends are so in love with her! 
It's too simple to remember this year with an image of Valeria so i chose another image. On Christmas Eve morning we had a video-call with our friends Sam and June from Perth.
It was lunch time here in Rome and dinner time in Perth, last time we talked was more than one year ago in Italy, then only emails. It was funny and great to really talk, to make a sightseeing of our houses, with the promise to meet again as soon as possible. 
Maybe we'll succeed in 2017 in Italy and 2018 in Perth ... let's hope for the best, because each day we build our future, and tomorrow can possibly be the best day of our lives!
Happy New Year!